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Zestful Hibiscus (Organic hibiscus tea)

Herbal Teas

Product Information
Zestful Hibiscus (Organic hibiscus tea)

Hibiscus tea is a herbal tea made as an infusion from crimson or deep magenta-coloured calyces of the roselle flower. Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is a species of Hibiscus. Our farmers have managed to transform the beauty and intensity of delicate hibiscus bloom into a pure organic zestful indulgence. Having one of the most intense naturally sour flavours, hibiscus is well loved in many countries. Our Indian organic hibiscus tea has a touch of oriental beauty and a soul filled with good intentions. It is consumed both hot and cold. It has a tart, cranberry-like flavour. It is perfect for preparing iced teas that offer instant refreshment.
organic Indian Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea has traditionally been used to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. The health benefits of hibiscus tea also include relief from digestive problems, boosting the immune system, helping with inflammatory problems. It can also speed up the metabolism and help in healthy gradual weight loss, treating hypertension and anxiety. Contains no caffeine.

Pure Dried Roselle Flowers


Natural sour full-bodied, tart and cranberry-like flavour

Refreshing and energizing

Water temperature: 100º Celsius
Dosage: 5 grams of tea
Amount of water: 150-200 ml
Steeping time: 5, 6 minutes
Re-steepings: 2-3 times

Method: We suggest to always use freshly boiled water cooled down to the proper temperature. Use suitable tea ware and cover the teapot or a teacup when brewing. To discover delicate subtlety of each tea and get the most nutrients out of the leaves/flowers always follow the instructions, and feel free to experiment with dosage, time or temperature when you get accustomed to the tea. Higher temperature, larger amounts of leaves and longer steeping time will result in stronger infusion with more astringency. You can add sugar or honey to your tea, but we suggest trying it straight first in order to enjoy it to the fullest.

Summer refreshment or after-meal herbal indulgence.


100% certified organic as per NPOP, NOP & EU standards.

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